Title: Rewind; Replay
02: MaidenPrevious Chapter(s):
Prologue: Goddess |
01: MentorGenres: Friendship/Drama
Rating: PG-13
Characters (by chapter): Aerith Gainsborough, Zack Fair, Angeal Hewley, mentions of Sephiroth, Cloud Strife, Hojo & Minerva
Spoilers/Warnings: Most of Crisis Core.
Disclaimer: Crisis Core ~Final Fantasy VII~ belongs to Square-Enix.
A/N: This story is set when Zack is on the run with Cloud, and inspired by the mail Zack receives from Kunsel after he defeats Minerva. ^^
Summary: It sounded unreal, but it wasn't. He'd been given a chance to undo everything. But there was a chance he'd never meet the lives that he'd change. Could he bear to give them all up... Even if he wouldn't even know it the next time he awoke?