Oct 18, 2005 21:03
Wow days are going by so quickly I cant keep up. The amount of homework is increasing- and thankfully enough, marching band will end soon. I love marching band but I'm just getting sick of it. I cant wait until Guerrero gets fired. I hope he gets fired. He better get fired. He hasn't been doing like anything for the bands. We dont even have folders in symphonic band. It's so iritating. We've been sight reading for too long. I'm incredibly bored. Know what else- concert abnd... CONCERT BAND is playing harder stuff then we are. It's so pathetic. Our chair tests are even harder then what our actual songs are. -stops complaining- xD
We had an awesome 'ghay' tuesday tonight. It really isnt gay tuesday because we dont do anything. We just act all stupid so we named is ghay tuestday xD Fun junk and stuff n.n; I've been a funny person tonight. I made everyone start cracking up laughing while we were suposed to be running the show -innocent- my bad XD
Baby #9 aka Daniel? Was born yesterday. 8 pounds whatever ounces 21"- big chunky baby lol. Let's pray that this one is the last. Or I'm just going to start calling my cousins by 'hey you'.... wait never mind o.o; I already do x) Sad... I dont even know my own cousins names.. I'll learn them all one day until then I jsut work with what I know and learn it at that.
My friend said..."For the longest time, I've believed myself to be unhuman. I walk among you, watching you smile, hug each other, feel emotions of happiness and love towards each other. I haven't felt these emotions in so long I cannot remember, nor do I wish to. You see...I've either given up on or moved on from such things. Sure, you might hear me laugh or crack a smile, but it certainly isn't genuine. I am not like you, and I never will be. While you enjoy your pointless life, I simply sit back and scoff at it all.
You're all pathetic to me, with your need to be loved and worshipped by another. They say you cannot love until you love yourself; that excludes me from such a feeling then. And you know what? It always will."
My response... "I wish for you to be able to feel the emotions that, we as human, all posess. You may see yourself as unhuman, but I too feel the same. We all feel unhuman at different points in our live, but you and I are truly unique. Neither of us will ever feel as if we truly are human. It is a feeling we're just going to have to get used to."
People always give him such a hard time. I <3 Jeff to pieces. But no one really understands him. I don't even know him too well anymore since he went off to college =( I want to hang out with him but I dont have anytime x.x;
-runs around- I'm trying to stay up until midnight so I can continue to drink more water. I have to get a sonogram done tomorrow morning. I cant eat/drink anything until after...
Spanish =D//
Encantado pollo y queso. Son muy deliciosos y sabrosos. Los Como mucho.
No me gusta la comida de mar. Es muy muy mala.
Me gusta los batidos y pastel. Azucar es bueno!
Sat.// Voy a Chicago con el marching band. Tenemos un competition de Linkin-Way. Llegamos a las dos y media.
Viernes es cinco meses con novio a mi.
Jueves es mi concierto(?...concert xP). El concierto va a muy bueno. Canto en el coro y toco una clarinet. (is there a word for clarinet? o.o;)