Aug 03, 2005 19:22
Anyone have a copy of Terrofakt's Cold Steel World that they can burn for me? If you've got it, please find it in your heart to share. I have no money. :) Cheers
Edit: While I'm asking.. anyone who has the Source Direct album Exorcise the Demons, please share with me, it's hard to find the tracks I want.
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He was packing all his stuff after this mindblowing set
and as he walked off stage i called for him. my friend told me was arrogant
but he dropped his gear and shot right at me, i didn't expect that at all
so i was completely bown away
i thanked him for his music, and told him how it changed my musical universe
he was flattered. i told him that i downloaded all his stuff ad he looked at me funny
and i told him that i wasn't that wealthy and that i bought two of his albums a couple of weeks ago, cause i wanted to have the originals, the frown turned into this huge grin and he padded me on the back, it was great. i also told him how i wanted to do the stuff he does, and that i had a couple ideas in my mind, and he just told me to go for it
it was one of the most extraordinary experiences of my life
i was very emotional when i got back home. from all the people i'd ever wanna meet, he was number one on the list, so the fact he took some time for me was very special
and yes i know clifford gilberto, apparently he's stan getz son or something
he's on ninjatune too, i was young and needed the money is the album i have, i dunno if he has more. you feeling any beter??
As for my sicky-ness, I'm still sick. My throat still hurts and at the beginning of the week I got some eye infection. I have eye drops and caught it so early that it's not even an issue. I'm having a hard time with coughing though, it's irritating my throat, keeping it very sore and it makes it hard to breathe sometimes. This also makes it really hard for me to sleep. I feel guilty going to bed at night with Matt cuz I'm worried my coughing keeps him up. He says it doesn't, but he's so sleepy that he doesn't even realize that he comforts me nearly every time I make a noise, which is a lot, since I'm hacking ALL THE TIME. :( However, since I can't really go anywhere, I've taken the opportunity to start looking for some new music. I haven't found a lot that really strikes me just yet, but I'm getting there. If I hear of anything new and interesting, I'll let you know. :)
or just on dial-up or something similar
if you're on dsl or cable or whatever, try the program soulseek
i'm on there, with like 7 gigs of tunes all for you to take if you please :)
and a word of advice, eat lemons, they'll give you a vitmine C rush
and speeds up the recovery process considerably :)
As for lemons, I think I've had too many! I drink a lot of hot water with fresh lemon juice and honey. Seriously, it's been a looong time since I've been ill. I think my body has been saving it all up for this big outbreak which is why it's taking so long to shake. I can't think of anything else to do except for maybe trying exercise to improve my circulation, but I just don't have the energy to complete any of my normal exercises. Maybe I'll do yoga tonight. :)
download the client. and when you figure out how to add people on there
Add 'Delta Ae.' that's yours truly, and we can transfer alot of stuff
being tired for long periods of time causes illness, i've had it sometimes
it sucks
you should get on msn, msn is so easy
and free of spyware and extra sponsor progs
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