Challenge #66

Feb 09, 2008 21:40

+ This challenge is going to be an season challenge with a twist. You may choose to use any caps that you like but they must come from an ODD numbered season. That means that you can use any caps from Seasons 1, 3, or 5.
+ You may submit up to 3 (THREE) icons.
+ Please post the icon & the url.
+ Entries must fit lj standards.
+ Do NOT post your icons anywhere else until the challenge is over.
+ You MUST be a member of the community to submit entries.
+ All comments will be screened.
+ Entries should be submitted by Saturday Feb. 23th, by 6PM CST.
+ Caps can be found here, here, and here.
+ If you have any questions, feel free to ask one of the mods. :)

Entries: 12
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