Dec 24, 2003 02:25
Just my luck! I wear fake earrings for two weeks and just discovered 5 minutes ago when I took the earrings out that my left earlobe is all red and quite distasteful-looking around the area where the earring was. (By "fake", I mean non-silver/gold.) I should've taken it out a few days earlier, but I, in my regrettable stupidity, thought, "Oh, it's only a slight itch, nothing to worry or fuss about." Dear Lord, somebody slap me now.
It's not quite an earlobe infection, actually; well, not yet, anyway. It looks like the beginning of an infection, though. One more week would probably have done it for sure. -_- Now I have to be careful not to eat any eggs for the next little while and to leave my ears earring-less for the upcoming two to three weeks. That sucks like whoa, but it's pretty much my own fault for not noticing earlier, so I suppose I should really try to keep the complaints down to a minimum.
By the way, have I mentioned how much this sucks?
Unbelievable. Aarrrgh, Jeebus, I know people who wear fake earrings all the time and they're completely fine! Curse my ears for being so sensitive! (*shakes fist vehemently at no one in particular*)
Anyway ... right. I'm sure you all needed to know about this. -_- ._.