Oh what a night!

Oct 27, 2004 21:22

Okay, so it seems your old pal Sara is back to normal. Sorry about the crazy-psychotic entry I wrote earlier. Looking at it now, I just sound really stupid and immature. I think maybe it's because I can't handle all the change going on around me-all of the people I know leaving for college and what not, and all the things I have to get off my chest to a certain some one. It's all pretty mad right now.

Anyways, I AM SOOO EXCITED!!! I get to go to LONDON for SPRING BREAK!!! When I found out, I cried. Seriously. Nine days in London with Sasha, and possibly Kate, Colleen and Kels? That's the sound of perfection right there. Allison, I really wish you could go with us though. :( It's not gonna be the same without you there. How long have we been talking about wanting to go to London? I can't even remember. I wanted us to check that off of our Lists of Goals together. Boo on Kentucky! LOL-skip that vacay and come with us! You know you wanna...

So back to the happenings of today. I went home with Sasha and we worked on our Kerry shirts with Kate. It was loads of fun! I love those girls so much-except when they make fun of me for my inability to create works of art...hehe. We are going to strut our stuff in our white tees on November 2nd! For those of you who can vote, GET OUT THERE AND DO IT!! If you really wanna rock, ROCK THE VOTE! (I'm so dumb lol)Where were we? Oh yes-Kate took me home at 2:30 because Sasha had b-ball practice and I needed to get ready for my NHS thing. At 4 Kelsey came over and picked me up so we could ride up to Mott together. I swear, I feel like she and I have been friends our whole lives. I don't even have to think about what I'm saying when I'm around her because I am so at ease. I haven't been that lucky with my relationships lately, so it's awesome to have another person I can count on. :) Anywho, I was excited to find out that Colleen was also going to be working for NHS today, so we got to catch up with each other. I didn't realize that I missed talking to her until today, as bad as that sounds. I feel guilty because I've said some really mean things about her in the past, and I would like to take a moment to take them all back now. *VANISH-POOF-BE GONE* Kay, all better. Back to business. After the NHS gig was over, the three of us headed to Little Caesar's and chowed down. I wasn't that hungry, but somehow I managed to mooch enough food off of the two of them to stuff myself. It was a good time. Then Kels drove me home and here I am.

I can't wait 'til tomorrow. YAY! Half day! Mmmm...Pizza Hut!

Oh, random- Allison, I talked to your padre today and he said that he would beat Nate down if he saw him at Walled Lake Northern again. I told him about how Kelsey got screwed over by him and that he should be punished. Your dad said he would be more than happy to do the punishin'. Haha! :) I don't even feel bad about saying that at all...the idiot deserves it for cheating on his girlfriend!! HULLO?! Did he THINK she wouldn't find out? lol

Okay chillens, I'm off to bed. Ciao for now!
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