...Shot me down as I flew by...

Oct 14, 2004 16:19

Hey Chillens! Long time, no talk! Geez! Nothing really HUGE has happened to me...hmm let's see...starting with yesterday:

*Most Embaressing Moment EVER-

Whilest I was on stage selling yearbooks (or not selling them, whichever way you want to look at it), I was wearing a really cute skirt and a mesh purple thong from Vicki's. I was sitting on a chair, mind you, in front of the entire lunch room, and I thought I was very conscientious of crossing my legs the entire time...yeah, apparently not because some old hag administrator came up in my face and was like "I can see right up your skirt." And I was all, "Oh my gosh, no way!" Eek! So I was FLIPPING out and my friend Joselyn was trying to get me to calm down by telling me that no one else probably saw, and that I was overreacting, and besides, they'd have to be directly in front of me to see me on the stage...yada yada yada, and so on and so forth and she did a good job of getting me to relax. Well, I told my sister Megan about it and she was like "I know, I saw your purple panties!" I was BEYOND MORTIFIED! There's one more person who thinks I am a big whore! Anyways, I told the story again to my friend Allison and she started cracking up in fits of laughter and I said, "Seriously-not that funny." And then she took a deep breath and was like, "No, no, NO! OH MY GOD! So I was sitting with almost THE ENTIRE FOOTBALL TEAM at C lunch and they always talk about girls and stuff and I faintly recall them saying that they were looking up some girl's skirt and she was on stage!!!!!! IT HAD TO BE YOU!! BAHAHAHA!!" I was so pissed that she didn't care enough to look and see who it was, you have no idea!

*Fun little tidbit about my Man Candy (as Kels would call him):

When I was on stage (before I knew I was exposing myself to random athletic clubs and everything), I saw Adam come up outta the corner of my eye. I tried to act nonchalant about it...he didn't say anything to me and I didn't say anything to him...so he sat down at one of the tables on stage (yeah, I know, right? Tables onstage? WTF?) but anyways I busied myself so I made sure I didn't look at him the whole time (so hard!). Well, after he left lunch and I was thoroughly depressed, Joselyn turned to me and was like, "Did you see your friend Adam staring at you?" and I was like "What? No way! He was talkin with Dakota!" and she was all "No, no, no! He only said a few words to him and then sat alone for a while...he was looking in your direction, you know." Wow, that really doesn't help my situation much, does it?


Emily, Kelsey and I did science experiments with some kids at Haviland...tre fun, right ladies? Well, anywho, afterwards Kels and I went to BK (We are SO the fast food junkies!) and ate a bunch and talked and had ourselves a good time!

Now on to today...

*This was cool...not

So I was leaving debate and I heard my name being shouted down the hallway so I turned around. It was Prea and Jen and Adam. I was like Aww shit. So I caught up with Prea later that day and was like "What were you guys talking about?" and she's like "Yeah, we kinda told Adam that he needs a girlfriend and that he should go out with you." WTF?!?!?!?! GRR PREA!! I can't believe this. I am so horrified. He doesn't like me, I know this. It's a lot easier to deal with, though, when HE doesn't know I like HIM! Sheesh. I love you Prea, and I'm not mad. I just wish that you guys woulda been a tad more subtle and...NOT LOUD! lol :) I need some therapy.

*Thanksgiving Vacay!

Going to Chicago with the fam! YEHAW!

*Winter Vacay!

I'm going to Florida for Christmas to visit my aunt! WOO-HOO!!


Going to help with Brakke and Pietrofesa's show at Covert. Wish me luck!

And sheeee'sssss oooouuuutttttttaaaaa therrreeeeeeee!
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