Feel like being insane right now

Mar 31, 2005 16:41

001. What is your name? Crazy
002. Spell your name backwards: Yzarc
003. Date of birth: 02/07/1988
004. Male or female? Female
005. Astrological sign: Aquarius
007. Occupation? Starving artist
008. Height: 5'8ish?
010. Hair colour: Blackish, brownish, redish
011. Eye color: Brown
012. Where were you born? Honger land
013. Where do you reside now? Cow town
014. Age: 17
015. Screen names: Crazy-Chan
016. E-mail address: This one
017. What does your screen name stand for? Nice name
018. What is your xanga name? My what now?
019. What does your xanga name stand for? You confuse me
020. Pets: None
022. Piercings? No, the idea of poking holes into my self freaks me out >.>
023. Tattoos? Not yet
024. Shoe size: 8
025. Righty or lefty? righty
026. Wearing: Jammies
027. Hearing: Utada Hikaru
028. Feeling: In pain
029. Eating/drinking: Nothing

~Love/Kissing/And Other Stuff~

030. Have you ever been in love? Don't believe in it
031. How many people have you told "I love you"? Haha, I saw that to everyone
033. Does someone in your family wear a toupee? No
034. Do you have any nieces or nephews? Nope
035. Are your parents divorced? I wish
039. Did some of your family come to America from another country? I did!

~Music Stuff~

040. What song do you swear was written about you or your life? Er.... nothing?
041. What's the most embarrasing cd you own? Pokemon XD
042. What's the best cd you own? Burned ones?
043. What song do you absolutely hate? Anything country ~-~
044. Do you sing in the shower? Hahaha! ... yes >.>
045. What song reminds you of that special someone? I don't know


071. Color: Blood red
072. Food: Pocky, sushi, dim sum
073. Song: It Varies
074. Show: Too Many to List
075. school subject: Art
076. Band/singer: Too Many
077. Animal: Cat
078. Outfit: I wear whatever
080. Movie: Miyazaki flims, Stephen Chow flims
081. Pair of shoes: I only own one pair
082. Cartoon: Anime
083. Actor: Er...
084. Actress: Actress isn't a word!
086. Drink: Qoo, Vanilla coke, Milkis, marble soda, bubble tea... its a long list
087. Alcholic drink: Don't drink
088. Holiday: Halloween, Otafest! (it counts!)
090. Pizza topping: Anything
091. Jello flavor: Anything
092. Lunch meat: MSG poisoning!
093. Board game: Don't play much
094. Video game: DDR, stepmania, Initial-D, Soul Calibur 2
098. Number: 19
099. Cereal: Er...
101. Dessert: cheese cake, ice cream, ice cream cake
102. Disney character: ANTI DISNEY!
103. Clothing store: Anywhere
104. Pastime: Drawing, hanging with friends, hear people rant... do random quizzes like this XD
105. Teacher: I hate them all equally XD
106. Childhood toy: My bunny :3 (I still have it! XD)
107. Carnival game/ride: Er...
108. Candy : Pocky... most of the stuff in the Candy shop in China town XD
109. Magazine: Shonen Jump
110. Salad dressing: Anything
111. Thing to do on the weekend: DDR
113. Season: Summer
114. Sport to watch: Soccer (I'm so Azn! XD)
115. Person to talk to online: Anyone who talks to me?

~Your Bedroom/Sleeping Habbits~

116. What color are your sheets? Hello Kitty! =^.^=
117. What color are your bedroom walls? White with anime posters covering everywhere!
117. Do you have posters on your wall? TONS! They're everywhere! Even my ceiling!
119. Do you have a tv in your bedroom? No
120. How many pillows are on your bed? 3
121. What do you normally sleep in? Jammies
122. Describe your favorite pair of pajamas: The blue ones with the stars on them :3
123. What size bed do you have? Double?
124. Do you have a waterbed/bunkbed/daybed?: Futon style XD
125. Do you have your own phone line in your bedroom? Er... does the fax count?
126. Do you listen to music while trying to fall asleep?: Used to
127. Describe the last nightmare you had: I don't dream anymore
128. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? Of course!!!
129. How many people can comfortably sleep in your bed? 2?
130. Do you sleep in any unusual positions? Haha, apparently I sleep weird
131. Do you have to share your bedroom with a sibling? Used to
132. Do you snore? I don't know
133. How about drool? Everyone does
134. Do you have an alarm clock in your room? The radio clock
135. What color is the carpet in your room? Gray
136. What's under your bed? A lot of crap that aren't even mine x_x

~This or that~

137. beach/mountains: both
138. Donuts/bagels: both
139. Day/night: Night
140. Wicked witch of the east/wicked witch of the west: Er... what's the diff?
143. Coffee/tea: Both
144. Britney/Christina: Neither
145. Swiss cheese/american cheese: American?
146. Real World/Road Rules: ... what?
147. Backstreet Boys/Nsync: Neither
148. Silver/gold: Silver
149. Nike/Adidas: Honger Swiss-K rip offs! XD
150. McDonalds/Taco Bell: MSG poisoning!
161. Shorts/skirts: Skirts over pants
162. Pink/red: Red
164. Meat/vegetables: Depends
165. Mexican food/chinese food: Chinese
166. Commercials/infomercials: Commercials
167. Scary movies/comedies: Both
168. Bikinis/one piece bathing suits: I don't own any >.>
169. Sandals/tennis shoes: Sandals?
180. Popcorn/pretzels: Popcorn

~What Is Your Opinion Of The Following~

187. Eminem: Ok
188. Virgins: Sex is iccy! >.<
189. God: A belief that isn't mine
190. The Osbournes: Ozzy and Sharon are ok, I hate their kids though
192. J.Lo: Don't listen to her
193. Religion: Its respectable
195. Valentine's Day: Its gotten so commercial that I consider it to be invented by Halmark
196. Christina Aguilera's comeback: She went down hill
197. Homosexuals: Love them
198. Abortion: Depending on the situation
199. Inter-racial relationships: Is in one XD
200. Murder: ... depending on the situation XD
201. Death: A way of life
202. Obesity: Genetics
203. Pre-marital sex: Their choice
204. Terrorism: Someone's terrorist is somebody else's hero
205. Pornography: EEEEEEWWWWWWWW! Iccy! >.<
206. Fortune tellers: What kind?
207. Threesomes: EEEEEEEEEWWWWWWW! Iccy! >.<
208. Prostitution: EEEEEWWWWWW
209. Politics: Don't get me started!
210. Country music: Can't stand it
211. George W. Bush: I have my opinion
212. Cloning: I'm on both sides about it
213. Britney's boobs: Fake!
214. Gas prices in America: But I'm Canadian

~Name Game~

What Do You Think Of When You Hear These Names?

216. Ryan: Don't know one
217. Ben: Watch out for Bubbles!!!
218. Maria: Don't know one
219. Jennifer: Don't know one
220. Nicole: Hmm... I think I know a Nicole *thinks*
221. Amy: Sailor Mercury!
222. Adam: Danny's ex
223. Richard: Grear
224. Justin: Timberlake XD
225. Arnold: The Termanator
226. Tom: Pyro
227. Melissa: Don't know one
228. Charlotte: 's web
229. Harold: who?
230. John: Lennon
232. Vanessa: Don't know one
233. Michelle: Wno?
234. Kevin: Er...
235. Brent: Guy that works at Great Whites
236. Jake: (Jacob) Adri's b/f
237. Billy: The kid?
238. Sara: From DDR
239. Natalie: Don't know one
240. Christ: Jesus?
241. Nick: Carter?
243. Taylor: Jho?
244. Jordan: Rachelle's imaginary kid?
245. Jamie: Don't know one
246. Adrian: (Adrienne) Sakura!!

~Have You Ever....~

269. Loved someone so much it makes you cry? I don't have emotions
286. Felt like you didn't belong? I'm foreign!
287. Felt like the 3rd wheel? No
288. Smoked? Nope
289. Done drugs? Not intentionally
290. Been arrested? No
294. Written a love letter? AHAHHAHAHAAHA!
295. Gone out of your way to be with the one you love? No
297. Kissed in the rain? Nah
298. Slow danced with someone you love? Never slow danced before
302. Asked a friend for relationship advice? My Shrinks, many many shrinks XD
304. Watched the sunset/rise with someone you love? Nope

~Childhood Stuff~

317. Did you play with Barbies? Nope
322. Did you wet the bed? Don't think so
325. Were you shy? Wasn't before I moved, not as much anymore


345. If you were to star in a movie, what kind of movie would it be? I can't act!
349. What is the best movie you've seen in the theater or rented recently? Er... >.>
352. What is your dream car? Beetle convertable!
353. Do you think your good looking? Hahahah!!!
354. Do others think you are good looking? Er... cute maybe?
367. Who/what is on your calendar? I don't have a calender
373. Name something you can't get enough of: Friends, DDR
374. Describe yourself in 3 adjectives: Only need one: Crazy!

~Last bit: Either or~

375. Be serious or funny? Depends on the moment
376. Boxers or breifs? Boxors
377. Whole or skim milk? Whole milk
378. Single or taken? Depends on my emotional status
379. Simple or complicated? Depends
380. Law or anarchy? Laws...An Anarchy would be insane
381. Flowers or angels: Angels
382. Gray or grey? Grey
383. Read or write? Both
384. Colour or black and white photos? Depends on the shot
385. Sunrise or sunset? Sunset
386. M&M's or skittles? M&Ms
387. Go to bed late or wake up late? Both
388. TV or Radio? Both
389. Pop or soda? Pop
390. X or O in Tic tac toe? X
391. Eat an apple or an orange? Both
392. What came first the chicken or the egg? A pointless question with no answers, really depends on how you look at it, its a psychologicall thing
393. Hot or cold? Hot
394. Opposite sex tall or short? Tall
395. Sun or moon? Moon
396. Vanilla or choclate? Smell of vanilla, taste of chocolate
397. High or drunk? neither
398. Low fat or fat free? What's the diff, they're both gross
399. Biggest fear in the world? The sight of a blank screen on a DDR machine on Friday
400. Kids or no kids? Depends
401. Mustard or ketchup? Both
402. Happy and poor, or sad and rich? happy and poor
403. Singing or dancing? Can't do either
404. Hugging or kissing? Ish a huggle whore! But I do kissys too ^^
405. Happy or sad? Happy
406. Purple or green? Purple
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