May 01, 2006 18:36
It's funny how your opinion of someone changes as soon as you change your PERCEPTION of them. Sometimes we only perceive people in certain situations, with certain people, in certain circumstances, and we base our view of that person's character, personality, values, etc., solely on the way they appear in that atmosphere. It's funny how if you change any one of those variables you can see a totally different person. Someone you loved and respected loses your high esteem in shattering seconds with a word, a look, a judgement. And never that they cannot be forgiven, or that I am too quick to find offense, but when the change is obvious and unrelenting, well, there's just some things you can't pretend aren't aren't happenening. And if they wanted to change you'd be there in a heartbeat to take back the old person you knew and cared about.
Some people just can't handle growing up. They've got it all together until they meet the world and then everyone realizes they're unprepared to handle it. It makes me sad because this has happened to people I've loved many, many times. Sometimes I think all it would have taken was a little more preparation.
Anyway, I miss the old you but PS- I hate who you've become. I hope the old you comes back someday. It would be fun.
Today had lots of little good surprises. I got my annual review and a raise, my tax return came in the mail, amoung other splendid things. :-)
Morningstar farms chik patties= yum. I could be a vegetarian.