cumba lada vista, gotta mona lisa!

Apr 13, 2004 20:15

Hey everyone!  This is my first post in my new livejournal, so everyone has to comment! I hope you like the layout, the name, etc

How was everybody's easter? Mine was awesome, mainly it was my break that rocked!  I love being home and having nothing to do.  It was awesome, I hung out with Sam practically everyday, played TETRIS ATTACK and watched the family guy- i fucking love that show! We had a fun road trip up to Keene involving:  A super sketchy bathroom break at an indian shell station, an ominous river, and the fabulous SARAH.  We had a much-needed sleepover too and had a great time.  And i hung out with bry alot, i made him this collage with a funny poem on the back.  Coincidentally, because he is the best boyfriend ever, he got me a cute bunny filled with my favorite candy.  And we got to see Matty C!!! Who could ask for more?!

Sam and I had an interesting conversation on wednesday too about LOOTERS. These are the people who try to live off of the hard work and the hard-earned money of others- the stealers, the litigationers, the leeches... LOOTERS. It's funny because everyone is always whining aobut SOMEONE or SOMETHING and it never occurs to them that it is their OWN FAULT. I for one, believe that you are AT LEAST partially resonsible for everything that happens to you. Somewhere down the line you made a bad decision and now you're screwed. This is not the american judicial system, the punishments of life do not fit the crime. Things don't have to add up, make sense, or BE FAIR. One simple rule tho- worry about yourself. The only person responsible for you is you.  Bottom line- we're getting to old now to be pointing fingers at anyone and anything else. It's time to take a little responsibility. Unfortunately, some people believe that this aspect of life's rules does not apply to them, and therefore they become full time looters for the rest of their lives.   And that's fine, because they also spend their lives bitching and moanin and whining about the things that have "come their way" and how it's "not fair" and how they can't understand why things are happening to them even tho in almost one hundred percent of the cases they have brought these things on themselves. It's incredible.  Anyways, i'm just encouraging everyone to take control of their own lives and take some responslibity. Oh yeah, and if you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders, what do you do??? You shrug. And most of all, don't forget to rock out with your cock out!

x o x o catch you guys on the FLIP side ;)
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