Nov 24, 2007 19:22
I think I figured out why it was so important for me to tell you. It really wasn't out of obligation, out of a feeling that you had a right to know. It was desperation. I was so sick of hating myself, I was desperate to tell someone, so that they could tell me I'm wrong. There's no reason to hate myself. That I'm still a good person, that I'm still someone who deserves a place in the world, deserves to be happy. I wanted someone to slay the dragon that makes me tear at my skin in anguish for this.
Maybe I should have thought it through. I thought I did...
Maybe that's why I don't feel the beautiful relief, the release I expected to feel...
But no. I just feel more disgust at myself. I'm sorry for the burden I put on you. Thank you for your lesson, your guidance:
Trust is an acid. It's better to keep it bottled up inside of you, because the second you let it leak out, it'll just burn.
"I put my faith in you, so much faith
And then you... just threw it away"