Jan 29, 2004 17:26
Winter is definatly my least favorite season of all the seasons. The only good thing about winter is two hour delays. Winter has no other satisfying qualties. I mean water freezes and I can't wear sandels without socks. Unless you like snow winter is a terrible thing and not only that it seems to last for like five months. Why can't summer last that long? But the bright side of winter... as I can usually find the bright side to pretty much anything... is that there is nothing better to do then go to school. You cant really do anything else remotely entertaining besides that. I rode Hayley today and she was incredibly quiet. I for one was quite pleasently surprised. Today in French we watched this movie. It was incredibly well different. Ive come to the conclusion after a sampling of French movies that all French children talk about is sex. Which is quite intresting with the subtitles. I realize that this doesnt really say much but I really dont have much to say. I hope everyone has a wonderful evening!!!
<3 always