Sep 19, 2006 16:07
So this year is starting out to be a bit on the surreal side.
One of my former students came by the school for community service yesterday. During lunch he sat in my classroom chatting. We were discussing what we had done over the summer. During this conversation the former student looks at me and asks, "so how is the life of bondage?" I stop and look at him blankly for a few moments. Many thoughts are going through my head at this moment.
How did you find out?
Who have you been talking to?
Are you saying what I think you are saying?
What the fuck!?!
I don't want to be having this conversation with a ninth grader!
Fortunately, my mind focused enough to comprehend that the bondage my former student was referring to was my recent marriage. "Its going great," I finally manage to reply.
I will always wonder if he caught my strangled hesitation. Maybe he would understand. We do seem to have a kinky student body. A few years ago, one class begged me to tie them up. But that is a story for another time.