
Sep 11, 2011 19:04

I suppose alot has already been written on the tenth anniversary of the September 11th attacks. I really have nothing to say about them, in all honesty. Nothing about their historical context or political significance that hasn't already been hashed-out a million times before. I suppose I could write the standard, personal account of "where I was when I heard the news," but the truth is that that story isn't especially remarkable; it is a tale to bore my grandchildren, rather than the readers of my blog.
I will say, however, that I can scarcely believe that it has been ten whole years since that day, and as such, that I also believe that it is still to soon to know its lasting impacts; whether it was just an abberation or the point at which the new-born 21st century leapt off of the rails. One day history will give us the perspective to know one way or the other. But that day has not yet come.
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