Jun 15, 2004 23:50
stole a thing from cassie and it cheered me up a bit ;] thanks cass
Type your name with your:
Normal: renee edwards
nose: renere edwards <-- wow i did good!
elbow: r4ejhn43ev edwardesw <-- arrrhgh??
tongue: rennee edwwwards <-- hahaha
chin: dfdneded dscxsdzfxcxz <-- WTH???
feet: renjerer edwqars <-- ?
eyes closed and one finger: remrr rfwards <--- umm?
back of hand: bnewew 45edwar5ds <<-- LOL!
palm: renbdee dedswafrdzs <-- WOAHHHH
wrist: trernmerer erdweAStrsdas <--- good one, renee