So here I am. Just Got back from Alex's.
What a night.
- We couldn't find the house
- We hung around (thanks for the CD Jose!)...played the question game, haha :P
- We ate unidentified foods...and threw them at the fence!
- Bocadito fight. That was awesome. "You threw the whole tray...and it didn't even hit me!" hahahahaha.
- Then Cristina lost her glasses and everyone was going crazy looking for them. I found them just sitting there, I can't believe we couldn't find them, they were right there.
- Then Cristina got really happy and attacked me and we fell all over each other, sorry no picture. But Christie claims that it was hawt ;D
- Ewww...Liquid Ice. That was some nasty crap.
I think that's kind of it in a nutshell?
Now I have to figure out what's happening for the next two weeks.
- Andrea's getty on Wednesday afternoon.
- Thanksgiving.
- Ungodly amounts of homework.
- Hopefully some going out on Thanksgiving weekend?
- I want to see Guys and Dolls.
- And I still don't know who I'm taking to X-Mas Formal XD.
Let's see how things go.
Nighty night boys and girls.