I miss this community. Seriously. Come on people!
Here is my newly pinked hair and baby dreads.
The pink is a mixture of Atomic Pink, a few drops of red food coloring and conditioner that was then control-bleached over for about 10 minutes. I also mixed my own purple using AP and Fishbowl in on a few places. This was done over green and turquoise hair originally so I have random colors on my newly forming dreadlocks on the back. Unfortunately, the picture seemed to show the pink more, but the back has a bit of tie-dye looking color swirls.
I'm thinking of doing some sort of pink and purple or baby blue color pattern in the future. I'm starting to grow some dreadlocks now, so I'm thinking of primarily pink dreads with either the tips or sections done in the other color. Any color pattern suggestions are appreciated.
Also, requesting pink dreadlock pictures. If you have them, please post them. They can be of you or someone else, just need some pictures for my hair inspiration folder. I won't be reposting them online anywhere.
x-posted to hair comunities.