
Apr 25, 2005 00:04

Hmmm. . . well today I bought Catch 22 by Joseph Heller, Paradise Lost by Milton, and The Sirens of Titan by Kurt Vonnegut. Still reading The Stranger though. And after two hockey games and five hours at the rink Im tired as hall

It was beneath the orgiastic light
of the inconstant moon
that one could have seen
the most obscure shadows
meandering across the way.

Oh! it was on the most majestic night -
so young in nature, even its senescence
was tangible in the air -
that these two made their way
to the boardwalk's sole bench.

And then a delicate zephyr caught one's hair,
whipping it through the air
accompanying the sand which it propelled
with the haughty laugh of a howl.

But beneath the perfect glow of a flickering lamp,
these incorporeal beings were entranced
with the gentle ebb and flow of the ocean waves
which reached against gravity
to permeate the heavens before crashing down.

And by the light of the slowly burning ember
dangling from one's mouth,
the most memorable proposal
was made in the words "So how about it."

Albeit a Great Roman candle
could have been seen going off in the distance,
stretching its sanguine arms across the vault,
no second blast followed.

But such inconveniences went unnoticed -
all eyes were focused on the imperceptible gem
whose regal glitter matched the radiance
of the fair one's smile.

And with consternation unknown,
the two traverse into the red fog
hanging imposingly over the realm,
hands forevermore entwined to face the world.
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