Well it is the Eve of all Eve and all through my house
The Guinea Pigs are stirring because we don't have a mouse
The Stockings are hung across the fire place with care
And no one is walking through my house in their underwear *Phew*
My sister is playing sims again
While I wait for
evilsnowbunny to begin
Commenting on my journal a million times
Someone should charge her for these crimes
Martin (
zididabee) is with his family
Having fun, hopefully
As his prezzie sits in my bedroom upstairs
I hope that he has no real cares
His music is great, and is played in my room
His music is good and comes out with a boom (couldn't find a good rhyme)
Punk_Fairy hangs out updating her journal so fast
I can only comment on the days that have passed
Watching all her Christmasy movie
I hope that all of them are extremely groovy
Tolarian is far away
In Nova Scotia is where she spends Christmas Day
We miss her a lot
Reading her journal plot
And her writing so grand,
She needs not to expand
Her knowledge any more!
Sweetinge I hope is having some fun
As she lies in the hot Florida sun
I'm jealous it is true
The skies there are probably so blue
And running in bare feet
On the sand on the beach!
Well I cannot go on any more
As I need to head for the door
And get going today
Even though I have much to say
To all of my friends mentioned here or maybe not
Whop are far in the sunshine that seems so hot
A Merry Christmas to everyone
And have lots of fun!
There we go Merry Christmas everyone, I know this rhyme is terrible, but it was fun to write.
Have a Happy New Year Too!