Mar 24, 2005 19:04
I hate to say this but things with Sam are winding down...A LOT. I know I probably shouldn't be posting this on LJ...But I really need to break it off with Sam. I can't date him, I do love him but only in the sense of a brother and sister. He feels like a best friend. I would LOVE to be best friends with him but i'm worried he'd be to upset and angry with me to ever even want to talk to me. I'm scared to break up with people I really am, I am afraid of how the person is going to react. For one it's not Sam that is the reason I want to break up, it is because of me, I can't be tied down to one person, I'm not ready to settle down with only one person. I need to be with different people constantly, that's just how I am. I hope Sam finds someone better than me, because I definately don't deserve someone like Sam. I really don't, he's so kind and sweet and would do anything for someone. I am going to be depressed if he won't accept my friendship, but I know out there, there is someone better for Sam. I know if I don't break this off now, I am going to end up hurting him, and I don't want to do that to him.