"Okay another gay quiz.."

Jul 06, 2004 16:43

Okay another gay quiz but I’m bored so I made it up. LOL so do it. <3

1] What’s my whole name?

2] What’s my favorite drink?

3] What am I always doing?

4] What do I do that makes you laugh?

5] Describe my looks in one word.

6] If you could re-name me, other then Danielle Blah Blah [can’t tell you my middle or last name because of number one] what would you call me?

7] If you could do one thing TO me what would it be?

8] If I was sad and the only thing that would cheer me up was across the world would you go get it?

9] How strongly do I believe in God?

10] What’s my favorite color?

11] What movie could I watch a million times?

12] Am I one of those girls that are pretty because of my personality etc., or because of like what I wear or who I hang out with...etc. or am I ugly?

13] Pick 5-6 words [any words] and make a sentence and let it describe me.

14] How much do you love me?
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