Apr 28, 2004 12:35
This is a man that denounced his military service.
This was a man who had an alliance with the treason queen herself who was famous for befriending the enemy.
This is a man who was the head of the antiwar movement.
This is a man who not only called for, but embraced the idea of men to dodge the draft and move to Canada.
This is a man who called for men to turn their back on their country.
This is a man that called combat murder.
This is a man that now embraces what he once denounced and is now considered a war hero.
This is a man who once called his fellow war veterans baby killers, but is now proud that he himself killed while in combat.
This is a former military officer who has admitted to there being atrocities in Vietnam, yet there is not one incidence of him filing a formal report or trying to stop it.
This is a man that is despised by the veterans of foreign wars organization.
This is a man who may become our president?
This as a man that according to the national democratic committee, if he really wants to win, will name Hillary as his running mate.
*I'm not saying that George W. Bush has made all the right choices. But I'd rather have a man who got rid of the largest human rights violator since Hitler (don't believe me, research the mass graves. Saddam is the WMD) in office than a man who claims to have thrown away his medals.*