Nov 18, 2005 00:10
"Out on disability again, Roscoe drooped a crate on my left arm and it was severed. Bad enough that I'm sterile from all the testing from when my pelvis shattered, but now good ol' righty's gone. Neither my ex-wife nor my hand can relieve me." -Excerpt from my newest story
I've been thinking about my parents tonight. Actually I was yelling about their exploits to Amy over a carton of fried chicken. My dad admitted to my brother and I that they were "swingers" when we were just wee ones, and my mom denies all such participation. But I know from the wierd shit I found in their bedroom what was up. Specifically handbooks and the community booklet that I found. The whole conversation turned into another "My mother is stark raving mad" talk. Because they are. All mothers just are.
Having sex so publicly then denying it......?