Aaron zelesky Oficialy Has a Vagina

Nov 19, 2003 15:15

ok so i woke up this morning had a lil chat with rob as usual :) he makes me smile he really does.saturday im going to go to his house and chill than we are going to see the school play at my school . That should be exciting.Today was fun kiki was absent :( so in science i sat in front of anton who refused to stop tickling me.Dave as always kept telling me he liked me and such ...haha kevin is so funny i gave him a peice of gum to day and he was like ah! i love you i dont care what your boyfreind says and we started laughing funny kid, funny kid. OH boy we got our skirts forchoir this morning.. hahahahha oh man i was walking around pretending to be an amish hooker i up buttoned my top button and showed a tad of my ankle and we were laughing so hard...than today ont he bus i bit aaron so he punched me really hard in the tit so i hit him in the balls than on our walk home we screamed the usual and had fun lol...

Cletus The Fetusx0 LiL Jew
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