Apr 12, 2004 11:12
Stole It from Robs blurty lol....
1. What facial feature do you find the most attractive on others?: Eyes... I love green
2. Would you vote for a woman candidate for president?: You Bet your ass! thats what this freaking country needs a real brain instead of some dick head hick.
3. Would you marry for money? would i even marry?
4. Have you had braces?: oh yea
5. Do you pluck your eyebrows?: a little
6. Do you ever cut or hurt yourself?: i ahve never had a serious wound but oh man i break everything lol
7. When was the last time you had a hickey? god a real long time ago but no one could see it ;)
8. Could you live without a computer?: oh my god I'd go on Life support
9. Do you use ICQ, AOL Buddy list etc...?: what the hell is IcQ? I have aim
10. If so, how many people are on your list(s)?: who knows alot
11. If you could live in any past time period, probably the... 50's... i love the music the time period and its just great
12. Do you drink enough water?: IM a soccer player I'd die if i didnt
13. Do you wear shoes in the house or take them off?: Shoes bahh humbug
14. What is your favorite fruit?: bananas
15. Do you eat wheat bread or white?: Rye
16. What is your favorite place to visit?: any beach
17. What is the last movie you saw?: Lady killers hehe
18. Do you kiss on the first date?: sure
19. Are you photogenic?: No way too jewish look at barbra Streisand... jews are scary on film
20. Do you dream in color or black and white?: Color always ... it means something
21. Are you wearing fingernail polish?: always
23. Do you have any dimples?: yes
24. Do you remember being born?: hahah Ask kelly she seems to know the whole story ;)
26. Do you drink alcohol?: sXe
27. Did you like or do you like high school?: I think its great
28. What is the most beautiful language?: beautiful has to be french but my favorite is russian
29. When you are asleep do you like being kissed awake?: the thought is scary
30. Do you like sunrises or sunsets the most?: they are both a new beginning i love the sunrise because i feel fresh to start my day but sunset is the begining of a time to party
31. Do you want to live to be 100?: i want to live as long as it takes for me to leave my footprint in the clay of the ever changing world. i want to live as long as it takes for me to make a difference weather it be until 33 or 133
32. Hair?: i dont get it?
33. Do you like salty food or sugary food the most?: i like spinach
34. Is a flat stomach important to you?:oh man only on my self i hate when my stomach sticks out
35. Do you or have you played with a ouija board?: yes but than antonio and phil told me not to so i wont
36. Are you loyal?: i think so
37. Are you tolerant of other people's beliefs?: completely ones beliefs are the most valuable thing in the world
38. When you watch movies at home, do you like the lights on or off?: off
39. Do you believe in magic?: depends what kind of magic your talking about ..
i dont believe in commercial magic thats just tricks
40. Do you have nightmares frequently?:well depends pon what u think a night mare is ... i'll tell ya one thing riding a llama through greece aint no pic nic
41. Do you like your nose?: no!! its big and jewish
42. Do you like abstract art?: i love it!
43. Do you think you can draw well?: i can draw averagely i have no special talent
44. Do you listen to music daily?: id die if i didnt
45. Do you like to watch cartoons?: depends on the cartoon
46. At what age did you find out that Santa Claus wasn't real?: at 5 i was skeptical and by age 7 i HAD PROOF ... its easy to figure out when your parents are divorced... santa can only have so many handwritings
47. How many pairs of shoes do have in your closet?: like i could count
48. Do you like to wear the same shoes everyday or do you like a variety? its usually my running shoes lately but i change all the time
49. Do you write poetry?: all the time
50. Do you snore?: i dont think so
51. Do you sleep more on your back, front, or sides?: sides
52. Would you rather have a poodle or a rottweiler?: I love my rottweiler bitch! his name is bruiser and he is the sweetest most loveable handsome doggie int he world better than some lil bitchie poodle
53. Do you lick stamps?: wtf?
54. Do you use an electric can opener?: no
55. Have you ridden in a hot air balloon?: i think i did when i was a babay actually
56. Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?: emotional i love physical pain .. its such a rush... it makes me feel so alive
57. Do you think balding men should shave their heads? who the hell cares
58. Do you know anyone who is clinically depressed?: welll
59. Do you prefer a piano or a violin?: piano the sound is mezmorizing
60. Are you a sex addict?: cant say thAt i am
61. Do you know someone who has cancer?: dont wanna talk about that
63. Do you hunt?: im a vegetarian do u think i hunt?
64. Do you like fast food joints, or expensive restaurants?: im not a bigeater any where is fine
65. Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?: zoo with ym freinds .. art meausem alone or with a select few people
66. Do you have a middle name? What is it?: Loren
67. Are you basically a happy person?: haha its hard to find me un happy
68. Are you tired?: no
69. Did you drink anything with caffeine in it today?: coffee every day
70. Have you ever met anyone off the internet?: no thats scary
71. How many phones do you have in your house?: im thinking around 12?
72. How long is your hair?: above my shoulders
73. Do you get along with your parents?: yes
74. What color of eyes do you prefer?: GREEEN
75. Are you a virgin?: yes
76. What medications do you take?: vitamins
77. What does your bedroom look like?: hawaii
Current mood: mIssing carl
Current music: The sound of Cirque du solei int he backround
Current taste: tooth paste
Current hair: messy bun
Current clothes: jeans and a tee
Current annoyance: ehh
Current smell: nothing
Current thing I ought to be doing: book report
Current windows open: in my room ;)
Current desktop picture: pretty house thing
Current favorite band: dispatch, coheed and Cambria
Current cds in stereo: Beach Boys sounds of summer
Current hate: the bush administration
- Do I -
Do drugs?: sXe
Have sex?: not yet
Give oral sex?: id have to pass
Receive oral sex?: hah i wouldnt mind
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: yes
Remember your first love?: yes
Still love him/her?: well in some long distant regretful kinda way i suppose
Read the newspaper?: nahh
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: i love them
Believe in miracles?: not really
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: depends on with what
Consider love a mistake?: never
Have a favorite candy?: star burst
Believe in astrology?: yes
Believe in god?: no
Have any pets: Dog- bruiser cat- mookie/manilla/ moonie/the moon cat-bootsie
Do well in school?: Straight A's except math :( i get Cs and Even Ds
Go to or plan to go to college: Hell yes
Wear hats?: i look bad in hats
Have any piercings?: 9 all ears
Have any tattoos?: no
Hate yourself?: well i did not any more
Have an obsession?: spinach
Have a secret crush?: no
Collect anything?: clothes :)
Have a best friend?: quite a few... Jess, kelly,tia,josh
Close friends?: yes
Wish on stars?: haha no
Like your handwriting?:its gross
Care about looks?: only my own
- Love life -
First crush: This kid arthur lol he was a Cit and i was a Camper i was in love with this kid lol...
Single or attached?: carl :)
Ever been in love?: yes
Do you believe in love at first sight?: i guess
Do you believe in "the one?": yea