1. Name: Nessa
2. Sex: Feeeeeemale
3. Age: 16
4. Sexual Prefrence: boys and girlies
5. Dating: nope
6. Location: Amherst, MA.... pretty bad, yep.
7. Movies: ummm i don't know, i don't watch movies.
8. Music: leftover crack, choking victim, reagan youth, toxic narcotic, the pist, urban waste, gang green, the germs, black flag, a global threat, circle jerks, self destruct, capitalist casualties, pig destroyer, blood for blood, caustic christ, no cash, charles bronson, defiance, doom
9. sXe: I don't mind people who are sXe, i actually encourage it... just as long as you're not preachy. I like pot, but I really REALLY HATE alcohol. I'm sorry, but I do. It's the cause of alot of problems in this country, and if you don't see that then you probably have a problem.
10. Pericings? Tats? [photos if possible and post at bottom]: I have my lip pierced and nose pierced...
11. Why you think you've got class: because I know how to stick up for myself, I know how to be a bitch when I want to be (to me that is totally classy), I've got attitude, but I can also be a lady.
12. Weapon of coice. Brass Knucks/Knifes/Guns ect.: Napalm
-Drugs/Alcohol/Cigarettes: I love cigarettes, I hate alcohol, drugs are awesome but not too much. I kind of like to be aware sometimes. People who drink too much and blame their problems on other people REALLY PISS ME OFF!!!!!! TAKE YOUR FUCKING PROBLEMS OUT ON YOURSELF, PUSSIES.
-Racism: I can't stand people who say they're not racist, yet take things so lightly and make racist comments all the time. Fuck them.
-Animal Rights: I really don't know... I love animals... but I love my animals. This doesn't really personally effect me.
-Politics: What about politics? could you be more specific? well ummm... being politically active is good, I wish that I could be more... but really, what does it ever change? Look at where we are... you think a little protesting is going to change these fuckheads minds? I'm just realistic. Some people consider me a realist... I don't know.
-Sexism: I HATE MENNNNN I R TEH FEMINISTTTTTTT! whether you have a penis or a vagina.... PEOPLE SUCK. PERIOD.
-Homosexuality: I love gay men... one of my best guy friends is bi, and has had a serious relationship with a boy... he's the most awesome person ever.
-Yourself: I hate myself just like I hate everyone else... :)
promoted ya in my community,
hot_fuckin_punx Pics:
yeah i know, my makeup is scary... but i was bored.