Jun 01, 2010 12:00
- 17:08 Henna's plan: 1. Go to the post office. 2. Eat parents fridge empty. 3. Watch more Dexter. 4. dfnsofn osfnie nosfinoenfo5.dfhsodhsfsj #fb #
- 19:58 @ Youmademeseeit cara/kahlan with some extra gay song like t.A.T.u.´s All the things she said xD #
- 20:03 @ Youmademeseeit well you could make a lots vid and hide the gayness somewhere there :D #
- 20:18 I miss LOTS so much :( #fb #
- 00:13 Moonwalker still gets me everytime and it's not only in the beginning anymore but when MJ flies away..#fb #
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