it's all about the books and the reading

Aug 24, 2007 09:39

I've been reading alot. Not really a huge secret considering that all I've posted about in the past month has been Eclipse and Deathly Hallows. But my 'Summer of Squee-worthy Reads' just wetted my appetite it seems, because I can find the urge to do little else except read lately. I'm not inspired to make art, I barely watch TV (I promise j_mac179, I'll get this reined in before the regular season starts, at least I hope...), I hang onto movie rentals for almost a week, etc. The only form of escapism I seem to be interested in obliging lately is my thirst for more stories.

I've moved from just keeping up with my massive amounts of TWL fanfiction to just straight up fiction. Not only in book form, but also over at FictionPress. I've joined more ebook communities and have downloaded and read (or reread) a great deal and with a wide variety. It's been so long since I have read a few of the classics, some since high school - and It's almost refreshing to get that almost crisp experience out of old favorites now as well as finding a new liking for a few things I had basically just moaned about in AP English in HS and Lit classes in college. Even books I enjoyed back then I am finding I can get a new appreciation for since there has been enough space and alot of life between readings. Of course my frame of mind now helps too. Now I'm only reading things I want to read.

I need to make a list of all I actually have read book(or ebook)-wise in the past few months, but that would take time and concentration and right now I seem to be slipping into babble-land. At any rate it's good to revisit and get a fresh outlook as well as dip my toe into new territory here and there.

Last week I purchased a new series of books from Amazon, The Black Dagger Brotherhood Series by J.R. Ward, and have become quite enthralled by them. Not on the level of HP or TWL mind you, but way past just being mildly entertained and intrigued none the less. I've read up to about 1/3 of the way threw the 3rd book in just the past 3 nights. Right now you can get the first 4 books in the series for about 20$ combined at Amazon. During August they are having a 'buy 3 get one free' on a vast variety of books, so it's an amazing deal if anyone is interested. I actually got mine for a total of 16$ and change because I actually had a 5$ off coupon from my pre-order purchase of Harry Potter and the Dealthly Hallows Deluxe Edition (my 2nd copy after my midnight purchase as well - had I known that my Deluxe Edition that I just got shipped regular and free would have arrived actually ON the 21st - I probably wouldn't have bought my midnight edition, but I'm not mourning it. It's a collectors item for me). Sorry, babbling...

Don't let the titles scare you off. These are not straight up vampire romance/smut. I would classify them more as vampire/action/drama/romance with a dash of smut as needed. I was initially convinced to make my purchase after reading the multitude of positive reviews that were supplied by the books by readers at Amazon, and I have to say they are pretty much right on the money. These stories are quite complex and very entertaining as well as pretty well written and with rich characters to boot. Of course after so much 'innocent' reading with my steps into YA lately - I can't say I minded the smuttys sexuality, but it really isn't overdone or trashy. ((Oh, and stars91 they are told from various POV and you get tons of sides of the story, so I think you would really like that ;D )) And I truly have gathered some pretty warm and fuzzy feelings about the characters - always the deal maker for me. Actually, it might be more than a little warm and fuzzy. But fear not - Edward Cullen's place at my throne is still very stable (Oh, um, that sounded much more innocent in my head... *shrug*) I totally recommend them.

Next up I've heard good things about The Dark Hunter Series by Sherrilyn Kenyon, and will probably be swapping series with houses7177 at our earliest convenience.

So yeah, I'm still being a book whore - only now, I'm branching out. And I have book hand. Meaning my fingers are hurting from holding the paperbacks open. I need to double up on my magnet bracelets or something. *plots* And did I mention that I was even more sleep deprived? I think I'm averaging 4 hours a night this week. I'll probably have to just bite the bullet and crash early tonight before I give myself another migraine. Ugh. But then I'd have to not read and I want to read and, well, you can clearly see that I'm insane here!

black dagger brotherhood, eclipse, edward cullen!!!, deathly hallows, twilight

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