Since becoming totally obsessed with the books Twilight and New Moon I have been searching for any and every way to feed my new addiction.
Before you even dive off into reading fanfic, I advise everyone to go over to
Stephenie The wealth of information and goodies that are available there are more than appetizing. She has posted deleted passages from both TWL & NM as well as
the first chapter of Midnight Sun, which is Stephenie's book (it will probably be either the 4th or 5th completed in the series) which tells Twilight from Edward's perspective. It is glorious.
Next, I advise everyone go and check out
The Twilight Lexicon. In addition to one being something of a base for the fandom and is the best reference site I have found. They also have the delightful
Personal Correspondence section which houses tons of character and story Q & A with Stephenie Meyers. Buckets of information to be devoured.
I should state for the record that I am a total slave to Edward Cullen. But then again, who isn't? I am also a Edward/Bella shipper. That doesn't mean I have any dislike at all for Jacob Black, because I don't. So most of the fics I read are centered around shipping preferences.
There are primarilly 3 places to find Twilight fanfiction:,
Twilight Fanfiction and Twilight Archives. In that order. I generally go choose the fics I read by size and feedback amounts. Then of course you find authors who are so good you read anything they write. You know the drill. I personally usually go for the long read, but I do relish in finding smaller fics that get the job done as well. I just haven't found nearly as many in this fandom yet. Now, onto my recs.
The Lion and the Lamb by
Alphie. WIP. Chapters 1-25 posted. Current wordcount: 109,330. ::: This fic is the cream of the crop. The author is one of the founders of The Twilight Lexicon and began writing this epic fic before the fans knew that Stephanie Meyers was writing Midnight Sun. She is one of the handful of fans who actually has gotten to know Ms. Meyers and it was her encouragement to continue the fic as to why it is still ongoing. It is not quite as dark as the first chapter of Midnight Sun, but still amazingly accurate in character voice and feeling. Honestly, this fic is only bested by the writing of Stephenie Meyers herself. It is required reading.
Becoming Whole by
stupid shiny volvo driver. COMPLETE. Wordcount: 62,575. ::: Continues the story from New Moon in Bella's POV. Total wish fulfullment peice. Also very well written and plotted.
And it's companion peice:
The Dark Dance of Tempation. WIP. Chapters 1-11 posted. Current wordcount: 60,561. ::: Continues the story from New Moon in Edward's POV. Starts slightly sooner (like the second NM ends) than the Bella peice, but exceedingly more detailed. Must be the Edward factor. The two of these fics together are definitely well worth anyones time.
Breaking Boundaries by
sillybella. COMPLETE. Wordcount: 8,257 ::: Well written and totally believable Edward/Bella smutlet.
Fair Game by
Eowyn77. COMPLETE. Wordcount: 19987. ::: Pre-Twilight fic. Tells the story of the initial meeting between the other vegetarian family in Denali, Alaska and the Cullens. How does Edward react when he becomes the focus of so much female attention, and not of the human variety? What desires stirred in him before he did fall in love? Wonderful in character story that shows many more facets to Edward Cullen. Which is always a very good thing.
Summer Interlude by
Midnight Walking. COMPLETE. Wordcount: 147928 ::: Well written and totally addictive. Switches POV. Takes place between Twilight and New Moon.
That should just about do it for now. But that should keep you busy for a while at least. I really need to better organize the fics I have read and make myself comments so doing these will become easier in the future. Until then I hope you all enjoy.