Nathan + Kawyer = Picspam inducing happiness

Nov 10, 2006 14:44

I have had a TON of rl stuff going on with my kids mostly, but honestly, I have just talked and typed about it too much this week and I find that I must take my minute pleasures in what I can - and right now that comes in the form of this weeks episode of Lost. And yes, I don't like calling Kate/Sawyer 'Skate' because that is like one of the worst ship names EVER - so just humor me. I have been a fan of this show and this ship since before The Fuselage even opened. So I think I have the right to go against conviction and call them something that doesn't sound like an redundant object.

I guess I could have written a regular review, but dammit if this episode just doesn't beg for non-conventional commentation. I loved this episode very, very much. So I decided to give it a shot and waste almost a whole days worth of fuck-off time in giving my reactions this way. I hope someone enjoys.

Caps by dj_capslock and loaded into my photobucket. And no, I didn't take the time to color correct them all out - if I ever do another one of these I will try my very best to do better.

752? That is weird. 7? All I can get from that is that it is 2+5 together. *shrug*

"Wanna get it on?" - Nate, that question - always redundant.

"Hell yeah!"


Alas just a memory. Why are you thinking about love Kate? Hmmmm...

He's throwing rocks because a-he's bored and bookless & b-he wanted her to wake up so he could talk to her. How quaint.

She's getting a little tired of him acting like he doesn't care about their situation, especially since she already feels like his life is in danger.

I don't know if smug is the best look for this situation.

And Juliet knows it.

Yes, Juliet is telling you to stop with the cocky.

Jack is as amused as I am.


"See, I know I have you by the balls, and for once want to see you squirm you rodent".

Daddy Jack is nobody's puppet!

Cue the flies.


I was so proud of Jack at this moment I had to indulge a smirk.

*double gulp*

Oh Hell Yeahs!

Yeah Kate, I would be pretty damn happy too.

"Ummm, what about Sawyer?"

"Sawyer has the day off" Seriously, I hate this aggressive fucker. What is his damage. He needs to catch a bullet and fast.

I'll be in my bunk.

Yeah, that new contracted player deserves some eye rollage from us all Kate.

But Nathan's name does not. More please.



Take a good look at the corpse because one of you will be next. Showing up to be redundant and live on borrowed time is the only reason you 2 were hired, and everyone knows it.

"This is troubling brotha"

Just keep the gun in front of you Sayid. I think you trust Locke about as much as I do - which is not at all.

And it shows.

The return of Rousseau Jr.

"What the frak does this bitch want?"

Kinky much?

"Oh Noes, not my Sawyer!"

Juliet's primary expression, which makes her a very good Other, but IMO overrated thus far as an actual character. Honestly I attribute some of her sudden popularity on the Jaters grasping to just absolutely anything at this point. She's OK, but I'm far from sold by any means.

Monica *cough*Kate*cough* makes a lovely bride.

He is just so very pretty.


Awww, he loves seeing Kate. This whole scene was just sweet. Even though I am more Kawyer - I like Jate too. I'm just not fanatical about either one. This was a really good scene and the dialogue and acting was done very well.

And here it is. Now he knows that all along Ben's objective has been to use and threaten him with harming Kate and/or Sawyer. It was a weak and predictable play on Ben's part.

So he handles it the only way he knows how, by showing them he isn't the puppet and pushing Kate away and he is hoping letting them see that he is unaffected by her pleas.

Mmmm Nathan...

So very cute. Except the flashback hair. Can I just pause enough to comment on the fact that this show has the like worst wig people ever. I'm shocked at JJ Abrams for letting a show with his name on it use wigs this aweful.

The lighting here deserves a shout.

And within the Jesus Stick we find all the answers.


More escape and peril banter.

"Shut up James!" hehe - she called him James. :D

And he knows he's in trouble because of it.

Oh the delicious foreplay.

In all honesty, although visually this is a scene I just loved, I would really like to comment on the sugary sweetness in which it was carried off. I never actually got that far as to invision what a first time between Kate and Sawyer could be like - even though I knew it was coming in this episode. I just don't speculate on this show that much. But I can honestly say that this was just beyond any of my expectations. No real room for regret from either one of them, which was one way I was afraid TPTB would later do. The lead up was based on their mutual feelings and nothing animalistic at all, which was very good to see. Both of them run from their emotions so much and it is so nice to see them open up and let themselves feel this with one another. It was just beautifully done and a very nice payoff for the 3 years of tension.

*back in my bunk*

Awww - I could just eat him up.

Miami huh? Good to know.

How very desperate housewife of you Kate.

And this scene was just complete love for me as well. *sigh*

Meanwhile not in a cage outside getting some snuggle...


And as a good 'either way' shipper that I am, I feel badly for Jack just a bit, but I really don't think he was suprised at all. He has known for a long time that Kate and Sawyer have a very strong bond and after hearing that they were kept together he seems a little accepting of it to me.

But he has to show Ben different. I was confused a bit after the scene, because I felt like he was accepting, but then what he says to Ben contradicts that. Which we see why at the end of the episode.

Someone please, please, please give this man an Emmy already.


But I wanted her to have Nathan's baby. Please.

And this tells me everything about why they hired Nathan out of the gate. This is how I invision Nathan's name being brought up in the writer's room:
TPTB: We need someone who is handsome and charming of course. But also mansculine and can actually act. Cause this ain't The CW. Any suggestions?
TPTB2: Ever heard of Nathan Fillion - you know, Joss Whedon's golden boy, Firefly, Serenity, just in that movie Slither. He is all those things PLUS he comes with a ready made fanbase that will probably draw us in a few hundred thousand veiwers we might not have had otherwise - because his fans are like for real fans - and OMG, he can totally fall out on cue!

And he does it so well.

*cue drama*


"Yes, you have been PWND!"

No, I don't like ANY of this. Because of the acting alone I totally was scared for Sawyer even though I knew they wouldn't kill him.

But as always...

Daddy Jack saves the day.

"Kate RUN!" - Awesome

Now, don't go expecting this too terribly often. This took up like all of my online time, but Nathan + Kawyer sex totally equals picspam. This 13 week break is going to murder me.

Lost has really been taking alot of slack lately from alot of people and although I am known to bitch myself about certain aspects of the show, I still believe it is one of the top few shows on ANY network not only right now, but ever. But then again, I don't let myself stay bogged down in the mysteries of the island or any of that crap. Honestly, the people who give this show up I have started to see as a little lazy. Then again, I didn't become a fan of this show to catch a wave of entertainment and then move on to the next thing. I signed on for the serialized nature of the show. I knew from the beginning this was a journey, and like a novel or serial story it will take it's time playing out. But I enjoy the details of it. Even when I don't always agree with all of TPTB's choices I can't fault them too much because I realize the big picture.

I like entertainment that makes me think which is probably why I don't watch hardly any reality TV or the thousands of 'case of the week' cop dramas that only require an hour of thought and hardly any characterizations. Not that those are all bad - just that a serialized show when done well is what I perfer. I love Bones but while it is essentially a 'case of the week' drama - it is the characters I am a fan of and why I watch. I'm a fan of character and story and it is just hard for me to get too angry at anything that gives me that consistantly and does it very well.

But to each his own. And for at least one hour every once in a while an episode makes me completely happy. This episode did that for me right now. Right when I needed it.

picspam, eye candy, nathan fillion, lost

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