I must admit that I have longed for this day. A day when randomness would finally rule and numbered or bullet tagged posts would become common place. Now, since I don't feel like quite as much of a freak, I shall jump right into my dose of random.
1. A 44 inch water main broke in Vicksburg at 9 PM last night and schools and daycares are closed today. Of course I'm at work (don't be silly - we never close) but I'm leaving at 1 today so I can go home and Ben can get some sleep. They said it will be repaired by this afternoon probably. I have water at my house, one of the few benefits of living in the next county.
2. I have really been trying to get
Wicked-Insanity off the ground. It is up, but only myself and Jeff (
j_mac179) basically post yet. It a message board that is mostly a general TV board that borders on other geekery as well. I encourage and invite everyone on my flist to please check it out. Once the real TV season gets rolling we will be moving and shaking and right now we have kicked it off with the Fox shows. I have posted last nights Bones (which has been beyond excellent this year IMO) and Justice thoughts over there this morning.
W-I is a continuation of an old board where we just like to meet and talk about our obsessive TV habits and addictions. No holds barred - free speech to the max - no wank (except with extreme humor). We just need more people now so please check it out.
3. Megan's first gymnastics meet is Sunday in Jackson. I'm excited/terrified and more a little freaked out about it to tell you the truth. Then again, I'm freaking out alot lately - more on that in #4.
4. I think I need my medication changed. Always no fun. I have been thinking I was fine pretty much, but lately I have been just carrying so much stress that I feel unhealthy. I like my zoloft, I really do - but as Elizabeth pointed out to me, she loved it too until she switched and realized how great it felt to actually get some sleep. It seems insomnia is one of the side effects of zoloft, and although it didn't use to bug me - now I am like running on fumes. I don't know what to do. I'm going to give it a few more months and see if I don't get better as (hopefully - but hilariously laughable) some of my stresses ease up. One of my problems is I don't eat but once a day sometimes, and the bad part about it is, my body is even getting used to that. Most of the time for the past 2 months I have just felt like I have been going in circles. Not good at all.
5. Who else thinks that Gap commercial with Audrey Hepburn is like the worst, most annoying commercial like EVER. The long version absolutely kills me - especially since you have absofuckinglutely no idea what it is even for until the very end. Stupid marketing. At least there is a shortened version now, instead of the full 30 seconds that felt like a century of sensory torture. The 15 second one gives me flashbacks but my eye only twitches mildly.
6. Brady has readopted his habit of getting up in between 2 and 4 AM and causing havic in the house. Last night he climbed up on the kitchen counters and got down the very sharp knives and only mildly cut himself - thank GOD. SO when I do get home today I'm going to like be completely toddler proofing everything. That means all dangerous materials locked in the pantry which is already getting full. He finds shit I didn't even know was hidden. He woke me up because his finger was bleeding and wanted a bandaid. I go into the kitchen and find the knife box down on the counter - wide open and my big container of coffee open and coffee grounds strown everywhere. I'm not happy. I already don't get enough sleep, but now when I do pass out I get woken up by this crap. PLUS I am of course worried about him hurting himself. He already doesn't fall asleep until almost 9 PM and only takes an hours nap during the day at daycare - where is he getting this energy? He sure as hell isn't storing it up from inactivity. But he is seriously starting to worry me with not only what he is getting into but also that he only gets about a total of 8-10 hours sleep a day. For a VERY active 3 1/2 year old that doesn't seem normal to me.
7. I read "Harry Potter: Order of the Phoenix" for the first time over the past two weekends. I had listened to the audio book and had the book, but honestly the audio book almost put me to sleep in parts and just didn't feel like picking the book up (I have already read all the rest as well as listened to the audio books while arting at home). I am pleased to tell you that the book did not seem boring to me at all and I thoroughly enjoyed it. As I am anxiously awaiting the 7th book I just recently relistened to the audio book for "Half-Blood Prince" and found that in my reread of "OotP" that alot more possiblities of horcuxes and such really opened themselves up. Plus I think my morose mood right now kinda matches Harry's in Book 5, so that added to my enjoyment a great deal as well. I was sad to finish it.
8. One day I will devote a post to my love of all things Veronica Mars, I really need to get off my scatterbrained ass and do that before the 3rd season starts in a few weeks. But can I really do it justice? Just know that I was wrong (yadda-yadda) and fought the pressure to watch it for too damn long and I was an utter fool. Now I'm in fully entralled by it. If you are resisting as I once was - don't. In 6 months or a year or longer you will be kicking yourself as I am and wondering why in the hell you fought it for so very long.
9. Don't you just love it when you tell the person who cuts your hair to cut off one inch and you come out looking like they took off at least two? I finally got my hair cut yesterday and although it was badly needed (I haven't gotten it cut all summer because I put it up every day to get it off my neck) and doesn't look bad it is extremely short. This was only like the 4th time she has cut my hair and I do like it, I am just in some kind of shock at the lack of hair to put up now. *sniff* I'll get over it.
And that is all the randomness I can muster for today. Now I must do payroll so I can get out of this waterless hellhole and go home. Then the fun will really start.