I love making bases and often just don't complete them. It's becoming an issue... So I made a point this weekend of actually working on some of my massive actor collection of bases to make them into icons
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*BAH* It's their own problem for not seeing the power of the magically delicious one! To be completely honest, I had heard good buzz about "Lost" before it started, but Ian was what made me take note and tune in to the pilot on September 22, 2004. I rarely watch shows out of the gate unless they have a certain pull.
Needless to say, I'm still bitter about Boone's untimely demise. It hurts my soul. *sob*
Lol, the magically delicious one. XD That's a great nickname for Boone. Yeah, it really is their problem ;) XD. He's hawt and all should bow down to his hotness, or something o.O
I know, same here! He should still be around dammit ><.
Man, they should rename Lucky Charms to Boone- he's magically, delicious! XD
Haha, yeah- I had seen Ian in something before LOST as well... I don't remember what it was. I want to see Pulse now though, cause he'll be in it and he doesn't die xD;
Who isn't? I mean seriously. I am so glad you like them and I hope you enjoy ;)
Hehe, thank you!
Needless to say, I'm still bitter about Boone's untimely demise. It hurts my soul. *sob*
I know, same here! He should still be around dammit ><.
Besides, I'm an obsessive nicknamer. :P
Haha, yeah- I had seen Ian in something before LOST as well... I don't remember what it was. I want to see Pulse now though, cause he'll be in it and he doesn't die xD;
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