Apr 13, 2005 13:28
Wow...I haven't updated in forever. It seems I update less and less lately. But I don't really get to get on the computer any more. Its always being used by someone else. *sigh*
I haven't been to school the last two days. I've been home sick. I think I caught the cold thing thats been going around. Dad had it last week and he was really bad.
I don't think I'm too bad, well, not as bad as dad was. But I'm miserable! All I have been doing is sleeping and laying around. And we have no cold medicine any more so I have to lay there in pain. *cries* I just want to die! I hate being sick! I feel like crap!!
I felt guilty staying home today. But I needed to sleep so I stayed home. I hate it! I am going to be so behind on homework and so lost in my classes!
Beth was sick yesterday and she went to school today. But I couldn't. I was up all night and couldn't even sit up without getting dizzy this morning. So I stayed home. And it really sux because I was going to go to a Holocaust thing at Purdue tonight with my dad, and mom said that if I didn't go to school today I couldn't go. So now I can't...so I'll be pouting all day! (lol)
I was so happy last night. My daddy brought me a clip on fan home from his office. I had needed one for my bed (I have a loft bed and its hard for me to breathe at night), and he picked his up from his office for me. So I was able to breathe last night...and I was sweating! (lol) I had a fever last night so I was really hot, and that helped. I was happy.
Last Saturday I went to the all night skate at the skate corral. I didn't get to stay the whole night though. Mom came to get me a little after 11. But I had fun any way.
I went with Josh and his friends. (I'd try to name them all, but my memory isn't really working right now and I'd probablly either get their names wrong or forget someone! lol) All of his friends thought it was funny to pester me. They kept teasing me. And Richard and Cody kept gettin in front of me when we were all skating because they thought it was funny when I screamed! (how mean! lol)
I was surprised when I got there because my Aunt Melissa was there. I was glad to see her. I haven't seen her in forever. Her kids have gotten so tall. (They're taller than me! But it doesn't really take much to get there! lol)
Well enough for now...I'm tired. I think I'm gonna go take a nap. Tschuss!