Survey...I stole it from Amanda again! :P

Mar 25, 2005 13:12

[name] Courtney
[sex] Female
[dob] August 25th
[location] My house :P
[siblings] 3 sisters and 6 brothers
[flirty] With Josh :P
[shoe size] I'm not sure...they're tiny
[hair color] Blonde
[first crush] Umm...I dunno...probablly Isaac Weliever when I was like 10 (lol)
[latest crush] My Josh! :)
[color of your room] White (yuck!)
[righty or lefty] Righty
[hobbies] Reading, writing, singing, hangin out with friends, talkin on the internet, ect.
[sign] Virgo

[boxers/briefs] Hmm...Boxers
[long/short hair] I like both
[tall or short] doesn't matter...they're all taller than me any way! :P
[pack/muscular arms] Don't care
[good/bad guy] Good guy
[tan or fair] Fair
[accent or american] I don't care
[would you ever go out with someone whos ugly] Looks don't really matter...its their personality that is more improtant.


[cuddle or make out] Hmm...probablly cuddle, but I like both! (lol)
[chocolate milk, or hot chocolate] Oh man, I like both of those too! :(
[mcdonalds or burger king] McDonalds
[coke or pepsi] Pepsi
[would you wanna marry your best friend, or the perfect lover] Best friend I think would be better
[root beer, or dr pepper] Dr Pepper
[tea/coffee/cappuccino] Tea...I don't like coffee or cappuccino
[cats or dogs] Dogs
[mud or jello wrestling] I dunno...never done either...but it'd probablly be fun :P
[milk, dark, or white chocolate] White or milk..I hate dark!! (Ew!!)
[sunny or rainy] Sunny
[winter, summer, fall, or spring] Summer
[vanilla or chocolate] Chocolate!
[skiing or boarding] I've never tried either!
[biking or blading] Blading
[cereal or toast] Cereal..its more filling
[do ya like rock, punk, rap, r and b, alternative, techno, pop, or country] Country
[bunk or water bed] Umm, I've had a bunk and I don't really like water
[lights on or off] If I am sleeping? Off


[My friends] Too many to name
[Friends that you look like] None
[You go to for advice] Nicki, Carin, or Beth...Traci sometimes, especially lately
[Who do you tell all your secrets to] Josh or Carin


[color] Blue
[number] 24 I guess...I dunno
[movie] The Goonies
[subject] German or English
[song] Baby Got Back
[sport to play] Hockey
[sport to watch] Football
[favorite drink] Pepsi
[truth or dare] Dare...they're funner
[ocean or pool] Pool
[love or lust] Love
[silver or gold] is ugly!
[diamonds or pearls] I don't really like either...but I don't like how people get pearls so diamonds...but small diamonds, I hate big ones.
[sunset or sunrise] Sunset
[showers or bubble baths] Showers


[do you like school] Sometimes...lately I haven't so much...I like some parts of it though
[do you like to talk on the phone] Yeah, what 17 year old girl doesn't? (What girl doesn't? lol)
[do ya have your own phone line] No
[can we have your number] Nope!
[do you like to dance] Yeah
[are you scared to ask out your crush] I don't have to...I already have the guy I want!
[do you think cheering is a sport] Not really


[Been kissed] Yeah
[Done drugs] Nope
[Eaten an entire box of Oreos] Yeah, with my friend Cassi Johns at camp...that was fun! :P
[Been on stage] Yeah, lots of times
[Dumped someone else] Yeah
[Gotten in a car accident] A small one
[Watched "Punky Brewster"] Not that I know of
[Been in love] Yep :)


[Shampoo] Don't have one
[Toothpaste] Don't have one of those either
[soap] Dove or a Watermellon or Apple soap (they smell really good!)
[Type of soup] Campbelles Chicken Noodle (Yummm)
[Room in your house] The Living room
[Instrument] A piano or guitar


[Coffee or hot chocolate] Hot is gross
[Big or little] That depends...what are we talking about here?
[Lace or satin] Don't care
[New or old] Depends on what it is
[Neve Campbell or Jennifer Love Hewitt] Neither
[Vogue or Material Girl] Vogue
[Jeans or cords] Jeans
[Sweater or sweatshirt] Sweatshirt
[T shirt or tank top] Tank top
[Skirt or dress] Skirt
[Wool or cotton] Cotton
[Rose or Lily] Roses
[The way it is or the way it was] The way it is...I love it, I wouldn't change a thing right now
[Oldies or pop] Both


[Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend] Yep
[Do you have a best friend] Yeah


[cried] Yeah
[Helped someone] Yeah
[Bought something/if so what] Yeah, a Pepsi (lol)
[Gotten sick] Nope
[Gone to the movies] No
[Gone out for dinner] Yeah, I got pizza last night
[Said "I love you"] Yeah
[Written a real letter] Nope, but I need to
[Moved on] Nope
[Talked to an ex] Yeah
[Missed an ex] Hell no!! (I still don't see why I was with them in the first place! lol)
[Written in a journal] Yeah
[Talked to someone you have a crush on] Yeah, my boyfriend
[Had a serious talk] Yep
[Missed someone] Yes, very
[Hugged someone] Yeah
[Fought with your parents] Yeah
[Fought with a friend] Not really..we kind argued, but it wasn't really a fight
[Worn eye shadow] Yeah
[Put on a "front"] No
[Kiss on the first date] Haven't had a date for a while...I've just hung out with my boyfriend :)
[Have a crush on someone] Josh
[Eat with your mouth open] No


[If you got a tattoo, where would you get it, and what would be] In the small of my back and it would probablly be a fairy or something
[What color is your floor/carpet in your room] Brown...its reallu ugly
[What was the last CD you bought] Back in Black by AC/DC, I haven't bought one for a long time
[How did you spend last summer] I stayed at home most of the summer...went to camp for about a week...mainly just hung out around town with Bubby, Kiley, Allison, Matt or Lauren (or all of them...oh, and I played Softball
[When's the last time you showered] last night. i bathed earlier
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