Apr 10, 2004 22:56
woke up and tyler and cody come over and we go to the pool. do like 20 kajillion races in the pool and hung out. rode to vons. ben comes. went to subway and ate. took casey edgar timmy and some other kid to some jumps. went to our old fort and saw greg airsofting. went back and tyler went home and we went back to vons n beattie came. we went to the a track and hung out and jumped for like 3 hours. beattie left. we met david halfway to vons and then tyler came too. we went to subway saw campbell and zach. adam and seth come. we went to mountain meadows park and plan our trashcanning. went to my house and got rope. went to the park and set up trashcans. me and seth tried like a million times and couldnt get it to work so we weighed it down with a trashbag from the dumpster. haha we got like at least 7 or 8 cars. one skidded out. ok the very last car we get was one we had gotten earlier. so the guy's driving down the street wen i'm settin up so i hop in the bushes by timmy's and he gets out of his car, picks up a trashcan, and hops up the wall where i was. so now im freakin out and tryin to hold my breath. he is literally a foot away from my head cuz im lyin down and he throws the trashcan over the wall. what a dumbass. he didnt see me once when i'm wearin white shorts and a bright blue fuckin shirt. haha then me tyler and david were mooning people tryin to get chased and then todd drove us all home..