Jan 02, 2004 20:24
Let us all now be updated on the whereabouts of Krissi since...well...Christmas.
Computer (read: Boob) has gone psychotic. Father is getting a new one, whose name is yet to be determined. Brother is inhereiting Kihana (read: crappy computer Krissi whines and moans about) and Krissi is inheriting Boob (read: other crappy computer that Krissi whines and moans about. Difference? Kihana doesn't like IE.)
Krissi also has a new Playstation 2. Krissi is convinced said console is slowly sucking her soul out via the pores in her thumbs.
Also, with the car and the liscence, Krissi is rarely home anymore. And when she is, she's having her soul sucked away.
Have almost beaten FFX-2. Am stopping. Must beat FFX first. But first, must BEAT THE MUTHAFUCKING SHIZNIT OUT OF URSULA ON alksdgfhoasihtgouiawhjtgahfING KINGDOM HEARTS. I hate Ursula. She must die now. Yes.
I did get past the pot part. Finally. After several attempts. However, I must now open up the proverbial can of whoopass on GIANT!Ursula who keeps trying to eat me. No, really. She has a taste for Sora!Tuna.
...I'm going to go play FFX now. Love, m'dears.