Nov 29, 2006 16:45
At like 1 am in the morning today, Maddy stole one of someone's pizza bagels and put one in the microwave to eat. She wasn't facing the microwave, but I was and when I looked over, there was all this smoke coming out of the microwave! Basically Maddy was stupid and put in a pizza bagel smaller than your fist for 2 whole minutes. The smoke alarm went off and we ran. And then everyone had to leave the hall and go outside and they didn't know it was us. It was karma! That's why you just don't steal people's pizza bagels! First the banana, now this! Maddy, me and food just ain't mixin.
Haha she tried to knock out the pizza bagel from the microwave with her shoe so that Stefan didn't know that she stole one from him. What a fatass