I meant to write this out earlier, but i'm so easily distracted. ironically, while i whittled away at a speedball block (i'm finally executing plants to make my own stamp designs) i started to play a song i've fallen in love with and remembered the idea. the song has to do with the concept, but i think i play it not cause the topic was in my mind but more that it's a nice sounding song and it was released on my birthday. okay, i listened to it cause i saw the release date and i thought 'oh, this isn't half bad'. egocentric? no denying it.
I had the great fortune to run into a few davis friends when i passed through SF japantown last. it was weird, first one, then another, and finally one more in a stationary store. it made me think davis had flooded and had to be evacuated. then i remembered it was a weekend and davis - it was only natural for people to be anywhere but. some were people i were only rough aquaintences with ('freida, i haven't seen you since that one lab.') and others that are a part of an extended network i've fallen out with but still consider extended family. i suppose it's not the meeting them that was significant, but that it was incredibly reassuring.
i'm not very good at keeping track of people but every so often my mind does wander to those that i don't see anymore. i'm either too embarassed to re-contact them or the right opportunity never comes up. but my mind is like a time capsule, where i knew them when they were happy and preserve those memories. a friend's wedding, a lab partner finding out he did way better on his paper than he expected, a comrade so drunk after a midterm he really didn't notice his face was in the floor. even if i know they move on, i still hope that they're all happy. even if they're completely forgotten me, i want them to smile. i hope that they're all chasing their idealistic dreams, that they're in a nice place in life and well loved. it's like love letters written without a mailing address.
but isn't that weird? someone you may have long forgotten (well, probably not if you're reading this, but i'm sure there are instances) or someone whose face you probably can't recognize anymore thinks of you so fondly and wishes for your happiness.
no, maybe it's weirder that i don't do anything about it. i'd like to think i'm not the only one that does this. that looks back and goes 'i really hope they're all happy and healthy' or 'i wish them the absolute best' when you haven't seen someone in ages. but i'm more than comfortable with being burried in someone's memories. because when all else fails, i'm there for them there.
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Hatsune Miku - susume! ameotoko! [push forward! rainy man!]