Your FB profile says you're following your dreams too. I hope that's true. That's the only way to live, every day, IMHO. It's easy to get caught up in the working world and never get around to throwing caution to the wind. - Friend, and author of
I'll say it again. Thank you. These are exciting times: I can feel it. There are many choices to be made. Very soon. Your words will help me make them. And so I could repeat myself once more, but I won't. I will allow my gratitude to suspend, because I know I'll make use of your words countless amounts of times.
Word to everyone out there who is close to me, and who I see is following their dreams: I won't watch your backs as you chase after them. My time to leap is approaching.
I just learned the word 'élan' in french, this past weekend. Well, this élan is nearing it's end.