Jun 21, 2009 06:29
1- Buy a keyboard
2- Pick up guitar tuner
3- Once keyboard is obtained: practice scales
4- Once tuner is obtained: start practicing guitar
5- Do vocal warmups EVERY SINGLE NIGHT.
6- Write male/female sex issues lyrics. PLENTY of inspiration already accrued. [lol]
7- Jam with Matt
8- [Hopefully] Headline at The Pound THIS Thursday
9- Open mic tuesday night at Grumpys'
10- Any song suggestions, that you guys would like to hear/think is nice?
11- Read on sap
m: jam with matt, vocal warmups
t: pick up keyboard and tuner/dance class/vocal warmups/open mic
w: vocal warmups/vocal class/jam with matt
th: vocal warmups/jam with matt/headline at the pound
f: vocal warmups/practice guitar&keyboards/read sap
s: read sap/go outside a bit [yes, even vampires need light at times]/practice guit.&keyboards
Heh, and this is mainly my music related list [work/personal/social life stuff not included]... what social life? I watch as these words slowly fade into thin air.
Hmm... what am I missing...oh right. Forms of punishment for not completing the above list:
1- It will prolly be enough of a shame to look at this list on sunday and write 'not completed' next to any item.
2- OMG I THOUGHT OF IT. Sitting in front of an old engineering notebook for 30 minutes. Yes that should do it.
And finally... enjoy the musicing process of creativity, inspiration, and turmoil. :D
Have a nice and fruitful week, everyone!