(no subject)

Mar 01, 2005 23:23

i'm sorry to the people that have already read this post. it was from way back in sept or november, but it has come up again. and it's pissing me off, no one understands that being thin is not the way to go. THINSPIRATION is just stupid. seriously.

so i have been reading friends journals, and stumpled across those sites yesterday and went to a few journals, and read what some of them said. most of them said and a friend of mine had said that paris hilton and mary kate and ashley olson are perfect???what the fuck is perfect anyway? is anyone truely perfect? do u know y i like kelly clarskon? not only because i like her singing and all that jazz. but because she stood up for what she wanted to. she was told to lose weight, because "society" didn't find it in her best intrest.. FUCK THAT. be "bigger" be different, y do u have to be skinny? y do u wanna be skinny NEWS FLASH LADIES, GUYS REALLY DON'T LIKE THE "SKINNY" GIRLS. BELIEVE ME, ASK ALL YOUR GUY FRIENDS IF THEY WOULD LIKE THE SKINNY PETTITE GIRLS OR A GIRL THAT HAS SOME MEAT ON HER BONES. I WILL PROMISE YOU, AND SERIOUSLY BET U $25 THAT MAYBE 1 OUT OF EVERY 8 GUYS WOULD SAY THAT THEY LIKED THE SKINNY GIRL BETTER. so all you ladies out there losin weight because your "too fat" hahahahahahaha i seriously pity you.. it sucks livin in your shoes, seriously i would. because u have the wrong perception on life. sure it may make u feel better.. that's awesome. but don't forget about your health while your doing it. MAKEUP- YOU DON'T NEED IT. losing weight - YOU DON'T NEED TO just fucking be different for once. follow in kelly's footsteps.. sure i think she might have caved in on losin weight and all, yet she might not have, but that's only because she was probably hounded to do so. I KNOW YOU PROBABLY WON'T TAKE IN A WORD I SAY, LET ALONE READ IT. BUT SERIOUSLY u don't need to lose weight. really u don't.. i would think u would only need to lose weight if u were between 5'6 and 5'8 at 220lbs. then u can say you need to lose weight.. but really other than that.. if your "average weight for your body type" your too skinny. believe me. even above average for your body type is not what guys look for. it's only what society has decided what is "average" and above average. FUCK THAT.

sorry that was out of line, but it had to be said, i'm tired of this girl dieting, this girl dieting, this girl on the "atkins" this girl on the south beach... fuck that, just get your ass out and go to a gym and eat the right foods.. U PEOPLE DO KNOW.. WHEN UR ON A DIET, WHEN YOU STOP THAT DIET YOU GAIN EVERYTHING + MORE BACK RIGHT...

thank u.. even though u didn't read that. it's all good.

if your mad at me, and you want to take me off your list, that's fine. but think again before you do. do you have a problem? do you not eat enough? do you hide not eating from your parents? and yes kait your excempt from this. because of the talk we had the last time i posted this ;) i KNOW you eat. piggy ;) so take me off your friends list if you don't want to hear it, oh well, not my loss.

my deepest sympathy's for those who want to be "thin" and need "thinspiration"

*the godfather*
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