The Return of Man-Bitch!

Jul 11, 2005 12:06

Oh work, where would I be if I couldn't complain about you endlessly? Anyway, I worked for 8 hours yesterday in the blazing fun feeling like crap and at the end of the night my lead sits us down for twenty minutes and proceeds to tell us how much we all suck. Thanks. That was the perfect end to my night. And he decided to instate a new rule where if you hear someone talking behind another person's back you HAVE to go tell on them. What are we, four-years old? Lets go tattle on co-workers, you know cause that promotes trust and friendship in the work place.

All this week I close at work, which means all my nights will be spent with Man-Bitch...oh goody....

Aside from craptacular Sunday the rest of the weekend was really fun. On Friday I got to hit up Pacific mall and proceeded to indulge my inner fangirl by buying a large Fruits Basket poster dealie with all the juunishi on it. Now I have urges to pet my wall. I also got to go out for pizza with Co and Steve which was fun and delicious. Saturday I worked but after I was done Jenn and I went out for drinks cause we hadn't seen each other in about 657673 years. All in all it was a fun weekend, now lets hope I survive this week....
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