While I've got your attention with the NEVERLAND pics...
i'm going to promote this movie i think everyone should see.
it's called Lucid and it was directed by Winnipeg's own Sean Garrity. I don't want to describe what the movie's about because i don't want to ruin it, but here are some links:
http://tifftalk.blogspot.com/2005/09/lucid.htmlhttp://www.metroactive.com/papers/metro/03.01.06/lucid-0609.html all i can say is that this film is amazing and not just for an independent or Canadian film. it's just plain awesome; great acting, lots of plot twists, and it's kinda nice being able to follow the layout of the movie because it was filmed in Winnipeg! if you're wondering how i know how good the movie is: i worked the NSI FilmExchange a few weeks ago and it was screened there. anyway, Lucid's Winnipeg premiere is on Friday and it is showing at the Globe Cinema in Portage Place and at Grant Park. the information about showtimes and junk aren't up yet because it's only wednesday, but i'll be updating this journal with more info. so everyone reading this should come. i know i'll definitely be going to see it at the Globe on friday, so you can leave a comment or whatever if you want to watch it with me and my posse. kekeke
the reason i'm doing this: i was shocked and amazed at how good this movie was. when i heard "independent" and "winnipeg" describing the film, i was like "ugh. the quality is going to be poor and the acting's gonna suck". i was so wrong. plus, i think we should support local talent in every form. whether it be going to film and music festivals or buying your favourite artists CD, we need to show fellow Winnipeggers/Manitobains that we're behind them. without us, these muscians/actors/film makers won't be able to continue doing what they're good at.
wow, what a rant! anyway, i'll leave this as open posting. just leave a name and junk. thanks for reading.