so. i was just called for an interview at the Hilton. i forgot i even applied. i want a job, but i really don't want to work there. like it's all the way by the airport and i'll probably be a banquet server meaning i'd be working evenings on weekends which is when i would like to be doing stuff. you know, stuff. lol but yeah. you get free food afterwards which is an incentive for me to do anything. you know, anything. my interview's at 1pm. which means i'll have to be up by 10 just to get there on time. which leads me to the question,what does one wear to a job interview? usually, i'd wear a skirt but it's suddenly cold. so pants and blazer i guess. i don't even think i have a professional looking blazer. ugh. i shouldn't even bother. i should just wear whatever the hell i want and sabotage the interview so i don't have to work there. cause if i pull it off, then i will end up working there and having to cancel things that i want to do. then i'll be one of those people that hate their jobs *cough*Lindsay*cough*
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