(no subject)

Sep 16, 2006 08:40

Yes, yes, i know, no icons? no new layout? but you promised!!

Well unfortunately, my horoscope says that I am in a mood of isolation, even though I don't believe such bullshit(sorry for my french), that is actually how I am feeling. It was very sudden. I was feeling fine early this afternoon and then BOOM! There goes my socialization. My hubbie asked for me to go chill with him tonight at a restaurant and after that a movie with a couple of friends. I usually like doing things like that but I just didn't want to talk to no body or rather socialize with anyone. I feel kinda bad deep inside because I haven't been spending much time with my hubbie and I really want to be with him. I don't know, it's just one of those days I'm assuming. Anywho, I'm not promising anything this time but I will TRY to get things done around here.  i'll try lol


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