Oct 15, 2005 17:37
From a comment at ___mikeyway reguarding people making icons of Mikey with the word WHORE on them: according to a new article in "The rolling Stone" Mikey was caught backstage at one of their shows with a prostitute he'd paid. the article said:
"Bassist Mikey Way of My Chemical Romance isn't the innocent, nerdy glasses bassist we all were lead to beleive.
During their 2005 Warped Tour, the lanky bassist was seen leading a woman of around 25 back stage after a show in Cambridge, New Jersey, their home state. Our reporters tried to get a glimps of the woman, thinking she might somehow be related to the rumors of Way having married earlier in the tour. We managed to get back just as he was seen giving the flamboyant woman a raunchy kiss on the lips followed by him asking her in a slurred voice "how much he owed." Doesn't sound like our little Jersey born Bassist at all!"
I have no idea if that's true but EWSICK. Disturbing much?