Mar 17, 2021 12:04
i had a dream about working at albertson's last night. i don't think i've ever dreamt about that before. once i woke up, i felt very reflective about that time in my life. i look back at it now and want to cringe, but there are some parts i think of fondly. anyway, i felt nostalgic, so i thought i'd take a look at this old thing. even though my memories are tinged with negativity, reading these entries i'm reminded of my beautiful friends and our amazing experiences. looking back, it was a difficult time for me, anxiety and depression wise and coping with a dysfunctional family system (whose family isn't though?). but i'm thankful for the amazing and caring friends who were by my side.
three years ago:
1. started my new and better job
2. cracked my front tooth and sprained my knee skateboarding
3. took K. to Hawaii for his first time
4. marched in solidarity for women, children and BIPOC
5. started therapy
two years ago:
1. lost my Big Chubs
2. moved
3. another K. medical emergency
4. saw my amazing sister graduate
5. went to Mexico
one year ago:
2. park dinners w/ K.
3. video games all day everyday
4. attempted hobbies
5. found CTC on the patio.
one/two month(s) ago:
3. cats
4. video games
5. naps
1. worked
2. made salmon
3. park walk
4. video games with nell
5. tender moments
1. work
2. cook
3. dentist
4. this
5. ???