(no subject)

Dec 01, 2007 15:19

Alright, so, last night up 'till today was SUCH journey.

this was our plan : go up north to see Josh and Pete..... no problems, just going, we had money a car.  Tina and i wanted to go..

this is what happened:
yesterday, got out of school, talked to josh,  Eric and Rick Ross wana come with us, sweet more people.
we all get together Tina and I pick them up, and we all leave on this epic journey. so first we're goin, goin, every things great, we're laughin having a GREAT time.. when I try to ask Eric "do we go straight or turn" somehow he thought I was saying "this is superman" soo his dumbass gets all confused and just goes yea yea.. well, we were suppose to turn.  when we figured all that out, we decided, it's time to smoke.. so, we did. and everything was going GREAT till we got lost about 3 more times.. Tina got pissed, pulled over and let Eric drive... thennn I had to pee SOO bad. So we FINALLY get to an exit and stop.. go to a gas station, and we all just get out and run, we were hungry, we all had to pee, we were journeying.  So, we're in there for about a half hour trying to figure out where we are, what we need and what the hell we're doing.  we get back into the car, and we left the keys, in the ignition, unlocked, 2 ipods sitting out, a laptop, 2 purses and all of our stuff.  and we all just crack up like, wow we're a bunch of morons.  Hokay, soo, we continue, get lost another 2 times, then decided WE NEED PING PONG BALLS AND CUPS FOR BEER PONG..  So we get off at the central exit, and Eric decides we can't just go anywhere, we gotta go to Kroger, typical Eric, I know.  So then we're on our way, we have about 80 miles left to go.  We call Josh, and he says at the BP turn left.. wellll, by this time, we were in BFE, nothing anywhere, no streetlights, basically a horror movie in the making.  we find a BP and we all start screamin, so we go left, and it just takes us to an even scarier road, we talk to Josh again, and we turned at the wrong BP, so we went like 15 miles outta our way because, we're all dumb.  So, we FINALLY find the other BP, they met us there.    we did the damn thing got to petes house.. this trip was suppose to be a 3 hour drive, and turned into about 6 hours.. we're there 10 minutes and just random shit is goin on, bein said, and it was crazy.. we smoked.. then chilled.  Josh and Eric decided to take Tina's car to BP to get some things that were needed.  So about 5 minutes after they leave we get a phone call, " we tipped the car over".  So, Pete and Rick went to go save them but they really didn't do shit.. a guy with ONE arm helped them. what the hell? I know.  they get back and everyone is trippin out about this guy with one hand, because i guess he asked us where we were staying and Josh told him, like the idiot he is.  so we were all worried that a man with one arm was guna come kill us, so as we were smoking again, we decided to make some type of strategy in case this man was to come and kill us. then, rick and i were outside, i told him i wanted to adventure, so he said "just scream if you see anything i'll come and find you..." so i walked around the house, and decided i didn't wana adventure anymore so i was wakling up being rick and i was stepping slow because we were in snow.. and he turns around and screams like the biggest bitch i almost died.  anyways, after chilln, actin crazy and stupid. we all decided it was time for bed.

woke up this morning at about 9, and we decided to leave, the fucking house was so cold we're all shaking like what the hell happened to our heat source.  turns out, pete shut it off in the middle of the night like a fuckin retard.  Eric thought he was in Alaska, and he couldn't move. josh and i are sitting there literally shaking, rick is all good because he has a huge ass sleeping bag.  tina and pete are just, whatever.  so FINALLY after like an hour of bitching we leave on this journey.. we made all the same mistakes we did before by making wrong turns and whatnot. so great.  we got bored and played the "wave" game, we waved to everyone we seen, our goal was 100 waves by the time we got home, and there were points, 2 points per car, 5 points per semi.  we're doin SOO good, time, gas, everything.  we had to be home by 12, 1 at the latest.  and we're passing walled lake at about 12:15.  thennn the car starts freakin out shaking, and tina can't turn the steering wheel, we get off at the exit and the car just STOPS, totally stops. we're all like, fuckkkk we need gas.  so, we make eric and rick walk to the gas station.  just our luck they go right, when the gas station is left.  they walk about a mile down the road till they figure out it's the other way.  so they turn around... tina and i are getting honked at the fingers, everything.  Chinese people like couldn't see hazards or something so they were the ones who didn't understand what was going on, all the white people did everything right..but not the Chinese, so frustrating.  So finally. we get gas, put it in and the car still won't start.  we're like, what the hell we're all twiggin out, it's 130, eric has to be at work at 2...like, damn.. OK soo, after an hour of calling people, calling AAA, and trying to get the damn car to work, Rick FINALLY listens to Eric and it starts, we get gas and we're off again..

finally we got home at 330.  that wasn't even half of it.   what a fucking adventrue
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