Well, we have cheese again! Gah. About time, I think. I was starting to think there might be a crew mutiny over lack of mac and cheese, to say nothing of facing movie night without nachos. I hear
crewmancutler is planning something special for movie night this week. It will be good to see people relax a little, maybe even laugh a bit. Things have been pretty tense lately, and I've missed the laughter.
But the cheddar from the replicator on Captain
_picard_'s Enterprise has passed the ultimate taste tests.
jonathan_archer and
spacepooch both liked it, and those were two smiles I was glad to see.
I'll make a shipwide announcement that cheese is back on the menu--though I'm still worried that we've never really caught the cheese and skivvies thief, and this might be new temptation for he, she or it.