A lot has gone on in my life since I wrote in here last summer. Most of it I would never write on here, but the abbreviated version is I messed up big time, but I realized it early on and am currently trying to put my life back together in a more positive way that won’t hurt me or my loved ones.
I want to move to SF more than I have ever wanted to before in my life, but it is probably a horrible idea school wise what with all the transferring credits and whatnot, and I want to get out of college and move on to making my own money, aka settling into my life as I want it to be, as soon as I can.
This weekend Marina, Eden and I went to the city to see Voxtrot on Thursday night. We stuck around for the next few days and Andy stopped by and we all had a night time adventure ending up at grace cathedral and Huntington hotel.
In the past month I have had the absolute worst day of my life and the absolute best day of my life. I’m not going to lie, it’s hard to adjust accordingly, but when life is good, it is better than ever, and that is the most important part of my life. While I am waiting, hopeing, on the edge of my seat, wishing on clocks and shooting stars, I am taking the time to rebuild my inside.
In other news, pending paperwork going through, I am moving to a new house within the month. I literally can’t wait. I live in a zoo.
My holiday goals are to 1) cut down on alcohol, 2) cut down on miss mary jane.
Honestly though, as long as I am living here I don’t really want to think about my situations.
Thanksgiving break starts Nov. 17th and
Winterbreak starts Dec. 15th.
I can take this time to get healthy again.